The Daily Dose Coffee Mug


You’ve heard about it. Bards and minstrels have immortalized it in song. The Internet has buzzed with giddy anticipation. And now it’s here: The official Daily Dose of Reason coffee mug!

Ahhh, it glistens like the new-fallen snow, happy to defy gravity in the interest of containing your favorite beverage. Is it at Amazon? NO! Is it on QVC? NO! Is it at Hammacher Schlemmer? NO! It is only available at So run, do not walk, to your nearest keyboard and click “ADD TO CART” before it’s too late. Miss this chance, and all that will remain is the faded memory of mugs that could have been.


This is the official Daily Dose Coffee Mug! Lovingly crafted of gleaming white ceramic, it holds 11 oz. of your favorite beverage. Wake up your brain then give it a jolt of rational thought with the Daily Dose of Reason at It’ll be good to the last drop! Available only at

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions .25 × .25 × .25 in