Will Obamacare Lose the Mandate? Not a Chance

…Communism does. But in practice it has to work out the same. The cries of regret and remorse are now being heard from Democratic politicians, as they confront the reality of what they’ve done. Hillary Clinton questioned the wisdom of the mandate back in April. Hillary Clinton? Has the woman who came up with the precursor to Obamacare back in 1994 — a maze of mandates itself — turned into a Reagan conservative, all of a sudden? I don’t think so. Y… Continue reading

The Psychology of Loyalty

…ack away from them without really knowing why, and you might later come to regret it. If someone betrays you for a very big reason, you’re lost without a set of conscious convictions to guide you; so you might hang around longer than you should, because your feelings tell you, “This person has been in my life, and I shouldn’t change that now.” If you live your life consciously, by a set of conscious convictions and principles, then you deliberatel… Continue reading

Sex is For the Selfish (You Read that Right)

…tally comprehensible place to be — not clouded by guilt, remorse, angst or regret — then you will tend to seek out sexual fulfillment, pleasure and excitement as part of the overall package of life. (Nor will you “need” a state of intoxication via substances to endure it.) You’ll want to please both yourself, and your partner, at the same time. You’re actually “selfish” in the sense that self-gratification is your goal, and you’re not ashamed of i… Continue reading

Obamacare Architect’s Comments On “Stupid” Americans

…mea culpa. “I was speaking off the cuff and I spoke inappropriately, and I regret making those comments,” he said. Evidently he really believes people are stupid to think they would actually buy such a faux apology, particularly on a network with no known opposition to anything Obama-related. But then more videos emerged. Megyn Kelley on Fox News showed another excerpt of a Gruber lecture, this from Washington University at St. Louis in 2013, wher… Continue reading

Can Forgiveness Ever Be Unhealthy? (DE Wave)

…ere’s nothing to forgive. People who are really and truly sorry show their regret through behavioral change, not just words. Nothing less will do. This is important, because people can be overcome with unnecessary guilt if they rightly refuse to forgive someone who simply isn’t sorry. I would never advise anyone to forgive when the wrongdoer doesn’t care enough to show remorse. This is classic denial, and the long-term damage from the resentment a… Continue reading

Obama’s Delusions of Grandeur

…60 percent are on food stamps? Is that what Obama meant when he expressed regret that change has only been incremental? These are the changes we have seen. Are more people dependent on government programs and fewer people working (without calling it unemployment) Obama’s concept of incremental progress? What would total progress look like? Only a politician would be capable of fooling himself that he creates anything at all. Only a delusional pol… Continue reading

The Psychology of Loyalty (DE Wave)

…vial reason, you might back away from them without really knowing why, and regret it later. Conversely, if someone betrays you over something important, you’re lost without a set of conscious convictions to guide you; so you might stay in the relationship longer than you should, bolstered only by the vague notion that “This person has been in my life, and I shouldn’t change that now.” If you live by a set of conscious convictions and principles, t… Continue reading

Why Pope Francis Loves Fidel Castro

…were still alive, it would be like going to visit him while saying, “I so regret that America went for individualism and republicanism.” Then why on earth would you want to go to that system’s most noteworthy and visible symbol? This Pope is downright wacky on his own terms. But make no mistake: Whether he loves official Communism or not, he loves the ideas that make it possible. For evidence, consider some of Pope Francis’ quotes over the years:… Continue reading

The Psychology of Loyalty (DE Coast Press)

…vial reason, you might back away from them without really knowing why, and regret it later. Conversely, if someone betrays you over something important, you’re lost without a set of conscious convictions to guide you; so you might stay in the relationship longer than you should, bolstered only by the vague notion that “This person has been in my life, and I shouldn’t change that now.” Living by a set of conscious convictions and principles grants… Continue reading

Why Washington DC Politicians Got So Corrupt

…reality and defensible by reason. Then they wonder why they end up full of regret, insecurity, and even the resentment of others who feel misled by them. If you cannot be yourself in a relationship, then you’re not in a real relationship. You’re committing a form of fraud, first against yourself and simultaneously against your loved one. While your words need never be (and never should be) mean-spirited or designed to bring down, all one’s words o… Continue reading

Shaming and Blaming Should Not Motivate Self or Others

…sometimes means accepting blame, important? Of course. But shame, guilt or regret are only rational emotions when facts and evidence back them up. The person who’s shaming and blaming you generally does not have facts, logic and evidence; the shamer and blamer only does these things to appeal to your insecure emotions. The shamer/blamer is a lazy thinker. He or she FEELS you’ve done something wrong, but will not take the time to reason it out and… Continue reading

Newest Victim Group: “Minor-Attracted” Pedophiles

…g and fantasize about it, the harder it is to change. Some of the patients regret their behavior, but deep down they’re unwilling and perhaps unable to change their response.” Political correctness is so full of holes and contradictions. It’s politically correct to start talking of “minor-attracted” persons who need copious government funds heaped upon them to ensure that they stop their behaviors and completely eradicate their desires. Yet if you… Continue reading