COVID Fascism Continues

…man civilization. And in Seattle, the city government prepares to legalize theft and looting — whenever the government feels the guilty party is too poor NOT to steal or loot. Wow. Marxism is here. It’s no longer just ideology: IT’S REALITY. In Seattle, you can now violate property rights if you offer an entirely subjective claim to poverty. Theft is OK, if you’re poor. Under a one-party commanded by a George Soros/Zuckerberg/Bill Gates cabal and… Continue reading

Self-Respect, Admiration & Money Go Hand in Hand

…ence to spending money you haven’t earned. Sometimes this is the result of theft or mooching. But more often it consists of living beyond your means, most likely through credit card or similar debt. It’s not theft, but it is irrational. It can lead to fiscal bankruptcy resulting from the moral bankruptcy fueled by the same anxiety that forces us to spend compulsively. This is often evident with celebrities, particularly those who hit it big while… Continue reading

Looters in the Streets — or in Government — Cannot Win Forever

…the law selectively, based on the political affiliation of the criminals. Theft is now openly celebrated by the looters in D.C. who enable the looters on the streets of Los Angeles and elsewhere. Theft isn’t merely cool; it’s a sign of moral virtue. For now, it’s a looters’ paradise and a long cherished leftist dream: Communism in America, at last. That’s why looters walk, don’t run. For now, they’re winning. The only thing they failed to conside… Continue reading

Many Lost their Brains in San Francisco

…rything was stolen out of our trunk. When calling the police to report the theft, they let us know this happens hundreds of times per day in the city and said it was our own fault for parking in the street,” according to the CEO of a company fleeing San Francisco. Blue states, blue cities are sick, insane places. Reader comments on the above: “It was once so beautiful. I took my Mother and Daughter years ago before the filth and crime. Could not i… Continue reading

The Dangers of ‘Blaming the Victim’

…nomenon: People who are the actual victims blaming THEMSELVES for the very theft or assault inflicted upon them. Yes, you read that right. Karol Markowicz quotes from her article, “When Robbery Victims Blame — Themselves”: “Last November, Ditmas Park experienced a rash of armed robberies. What made the one at the Lark Cafe unique is that the gunman didn’t target the register. Instead, he took all the laptops of a writer’s group that was… Continue reading

Bad Things Happen to Good People Because…

…ve them alone. So why did I get this illness? Why was I the victim of this theft? Why did my son or daughter die in this car accident, and not someone else’s?’ The very premise of the question is that there is some unseen force—call it God, or whatever you like—determining the outcome of events in the world. Kind of like a superintendent in charge of Reality. Maybe a Reality Czar. Yet there’s no basis for proving there is such a thing. It’s all fa… Continue reading

Transfer-of-Wealth State: Bad for Peter AND Paul

…the unearned is nothing more than faking. It’s dishonesty. It’s a form of theft, morally and psychologically speaking as well as financially. Robbing Peter to pay Paul, merely because Paul needs or wants it, does nothing to advance Paul’s life. By paying off Paul in this way, you encourage him to think, ‘I’m entitled to something at another’s expense, whether I earned it or not.’ This sets Paul up to be dependent on a resentful Peter. Peter keeps… Continue reading

Is “Greed” Always Irrational?

…s. This isn’t the fault of money. It’s the fault of the people engaging in theft or pretense. As with the phrase, ‘Shoot the messenger,’ it’s as if money is the ‘messenger,’ and it gets blamed for what some people do with it. The unspoken reason why so many people hate money is envy. It isn’t that ‘Money is bad’; it’s ‘You have money that I wish I had, and I hate you for it.’ Instead of openly hating you for the money you earned, envious others de… Continue reading

Law of Diminishing Returns Applied to Thinking

…y their own well-being. Addiction comes to mind. Practices of deception or theft come to mind. Political authoritarianism/dictatorship—sadly, the norm of human history—come to mind as well. Rationalization (and evasion) sank the Titanic. It also got us Nazi Germany. Find any serious or tragic error in human events, and you’ll always find rationalization somewhere near the root of it (evasion usually the ultimate cause). Strictly speaking, it’s not… Continue reading

Following a Bloodbath, Some Thoughts on Forgiveness

…alf-hearted behaviors designed merely to ‘look good.’ In the case of minor theft, objective proof of remorse refers to returning the stolen object (or equivalent) with interest (financial or otherwise) as defined by the victim or a court of law. In the case of marital infidelity, if the victim decides a second chance is possible, then the guilty party must be willing to accept the burden of winning back the trust of his spouse over a reasonable pe… Continue reading

Obama’s “Recovery” is a Government Recovery

…not economic growth. In fact, it’s just the opposite. It’s an increase in theft from the private sector, via taxes and debt. It’s a rise in jobs done inefficiently by the public sector that could be done far more efficiently in the private sector. It’s an increase in human activity in contexts where people would not willingly pay for goods or services — which is the whole basis for government providing them in the first place. Obama’s economy is… Continue reading

Iceberg Ahead for America’s Social Democracy

…lfish, and didn’t seek to gain things, then there would be no mooching, no theft and no injustice.’ But this completely evades the fact that getting, and pursuing self-interest, CAN be done rationally and justly—and indeed, are done so all the time! Purposeful and voluntary trade, to mutual benefit, is all about self-interest and gain. Each party seeks to gain something from the exchange, and usually does so. Only force or fraud can contaminate th… Continue reading