The riots in Hong Kong offer hope for America’s future. Hong Kong proves you can’t impose totalitarianism on people accustomed to freedom. We can hope the same for America. Granted, millions of Americans are ignorant and stupid when it comes … Continue reading
Category: Society & Culture
Two Versions of Reality in America’s Media Today
It’s startling to read the differences between “mainstream” media and the pro-Trump media. Even the headlines. In the case of left-wing or “mainstream” media, the impeachment is underway and the President’s days in office are numbered. Read the headlines at … Continue reading
America: Where Did We Go Wrong?
Being a victim when you’re not a victim is the way of our era. Everyone is a victim. Everyone wants you to feel sorry for them, and to give them a handout (verbally or materially) to compensate for their victimhood. … Continue reading
Hillary Clinton’s Fake Introspection
Headline: Hillary Clinton on “Gutsiest” Thing She’s Ever Done: “Stay in my Marriage” WHAT marriage? Your husband is a creepy, promiscuous predator. You are a transparent power-lusting sociopath. How many lives have the two of you destroyed in your decades-long, … Continue reading
What National Socialists and Today’s Democrats Have in Common
You often hear: How could Nazi Germany have happened? And: Can it happen again? Here’s how it happened. In Nazi Germany, people decided to view one’s group identification as THE most important thing about them. If being Jewish is the … Continue reading
We Didn’t Start the Fire. The Left Did.
Reasonable people are willing to have a conversation. Most of the non-Democrats I know are willing to have a conversation about their views. Most of the leftists and Democrats I know are not. When you’re willing to have a conversation, … Continue reading
Enslaving the Strong Does the Weak No Favors
When you enslave the strong and the capable, you do the poor and the vulnerable no favors. The imbeciles who pose as the little guy’s saviors cannot achieve anything — except destuction. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search … Continue reading
Climate Lunacy
Climate activist groups plan to “Shut Down D.C.” early Monday morning, aiming “to take action all over the district to disrupt business as usual.” Hilarious! They’re paralyzing the D.C. bureaucracy required to impose their enviro-dictatorship. Green Commies aren’t too smart. … Continue reading
The Hat
How did the “MAGA” hat get to be considered racist? MAGA, as most know, stands for “Make America Great Again”. If you ask a leftist why that phrase is self-evidently racist, they won’t give you an answer — other than … Continue reading
“Climate Strikes” are Absurd and Hilarious
The latest form of virtue-signaling — especially among brainwashed students? “Climate strikes”. The idea is that students should leave their classrooms as a form of protest against the fact that fossil fuels are still legal. They encourage grown-ups to do … Continue reading
Once Again: Leftists are Not Good People
Bad actress Debra Messing: Cotton candy for character and mush for brains. Just like everyone else with Trump Derangement Syndrome. She wants a public “blacklist” published with names of all who support President Trump. Yes, she’s vapid and dumb. But … Continue reading
Envy is the thing that will kill America, if America does die. Envy is the reason I have watched youthful snowflakes turn socialist when previously more rational and open-minded. It’s important to understand that envy is an emotion. Like all … Continue reading