Making Peace With Bullies Never Ends Well

…to victory. This is about as much a fantasy as the notion that government taxation and wealth redistribution will create new wealth. Like I said, at least Obama is consistent in his idiocy. Obama keeps claiming that because Iran is not as vast and sophisticated a dictatorship as the Soviet Empire was, it’s not a world threat. This is ridiculous enough to be considered obscene. It’s like saying that a lone gunman, or a terrorizing sniper, isn’t a… Continue reading

They Hate Capitalism, But They Sure Want the Loot

…e, as capitalism continues to fade away because of government spending and taxation. We cannot go on like we are. It doesn’t really matter who’s in charge in the long run. Romney says he’ll do a better job “managing” the government intervention than Obama does, but Obama is the king of government intervention. And there’s no “manager” who can alter the toxic nature of government intervention itself. Government intervention generates more governmen… Continue reading

Obama to Americans: You’re Lazy

…nteed “security,” such as Medicare and Social Security, along with greater taxation and regulation, are supposed to be such great things — then why is everyone less secure, and getting more economically insecure all the time? Shouldn’t things have at least stayed frozen in place? No answer is given because, you guessed it…the question is never asked. Asking the question is threatening. It implies that maybe we’ve been going in the wrong direction… Continue reading

Five Differences Between the American Revolution of 1776 and Today

…everything it can to crush that spirit, by punishing the most capable with taxation, regulation and massive wealth redistribution; and at the same time, encouraging the average, the mediocre and even the above average to give in and let the government take care of them. In the case of Obama, moral as well as economic war has been declared on capitalism and the great minds of business that make it possible. The brain and the mind, in such a civiliz… Continue reading

China’s Warning: Trouble Ahead

…weakened itself with its deficit spending, Big Government regulation, high taxation and national debt that China is actually gaining on the USA as both an economic and military superpower. They might already have surpassed us. This says nothing about the strength of fascism over freedom. It says everything about how far from freedom America has departed, gradually over decades and most significantly in the last several years of the Obama presidenc… Continue reading

Public Schools Leave Every Child Behind

…he thuggish mentality exacerbated by unions, ‘services’ provided by theft (taxation), and general incompetency — the biggest conflict I’m dealing with, as a mental health professional, is the fact that ‘public’ anything blurs the boundary between individual vs. institutional responsibility. I could go on with numerous examples of what I mean by this, but here’s one: I believe the decision to come to school (or not) and try one’s best to succeed li… Continue reading

Is Business Experience Essential for a President?

…products and services, rather than forcibly handed over by the coercion of taxation and regulation. Obama was a “community organizer” which is a polite term for manipulating groups of people to gain the greatest amount of power for the greatest amount of handouts made possible through local and federal tax money. After being President, Obama will live off the taxpayers (and a fawning media) forever, regardless of what his future holds and regardle… Continue reading

ObamaCare North

…ink about it and ask yourself who must sacrifice or be forced by draconian taxation to pay for it. Dr. Hurd’s reply and comments: Readers should keep in mind that Canada is a Westernized, democratic country with a partially private economy — just like the United States. Canada is no third world country. The Canadian health care system costs a fortune, and it drains money from the private economy. To what end? Wrong prescriptions, medical malpracti… Continue reading

Everything’s Hopeless–So What Should I Do?

…at did the job, including for the welfare state programs paid for with the taxation (and borrowing) of private dollars. Capitalism and freedom never completely disappeared from America, nor from the West more generally. But they haven’t been allowed to function, either. Liberals and socialists have been very skillful at unfairly blaming all the ills of the world on freedom and capitalism, and attributing all the good things that happen to governme… Continue reading

Capitalism: A Bottomless Pit?

…ce as capitalism continues to fade away because of government spending and taxation. We cannot go on like we are. Since the 1980s, government has not altered or reduced its involvement in the economy, but it did back off slightly from the previous levels of intervention. Taxes were lowered–for the most part at the marginal levels. This had the effect of putting more capital back into capitalism, although it did nothing to control the growth of gov… Continue reading

Words, Reality and the Moron-in-Chief

…et. What they’re going to get in the coming months is more socialism, more taxation, more Big Government and more censorship of people who disagree than this nation has ever seen. If Obama’s opponents in Congress allow this unrelated tragedy to become an excuse for what liberals do best — promoting raw emotionalism over reason and facts — then they deserve to lose the ground they worked so hard to gain. Here’s hoping we get back to reality ‘ and s… Continue reading

The Productive Are Going Away

…ime goes by. But the productive slowly go away. Oppressed under increasing taxation, redistribution and arbitrary regulation, not to mention moralistic, anti-business lectures by the likes of Barack Obama (who never created a job in his life), the GDP initially goes flat (ultimately down) and the unemployment rate goes up. Sound familiar? Whether the remaining productive members of society go on a conscious, morally-based strike as Ayn Rand’s char… Continue reading