Mother Government (Part 2)

…aries of wealth redistribution pay no mind to the fact that it’s legalized theft, and they reward their benefactors with continued votes. What they fail to acknowledge, and refuse to see, is that they’re being made into helpless, dependent creatures who sooner or later will be forced to sail on their own. They’re also counting on the ‘invulnerable rich’ to never rebel against it, and to never stop producing. In psychology, there’s a term called ‘c… Continue reading

Romney’s Health Care Chickens Coming Home to Roost

…ng away actually mean?” You cannot “take away” anything other than through theft (or a physical attack). A health insurance policy is a contract between an insured individual and a second party, the insurance company. In many cases it’s a contract between an employer and an insurance company, on behalf of the employee. There’s actually no way to steal away a contract between two people. In a civil and rational society, the government upholds all l… Continue reading

Are We All Socialists Now?

…ma. That’s the sole reason he got this far. But might does not make right. Theft does not make right. Pretense and deceit do not make right. As the statements above imply, socialism is all of these things. Socialism depends on your unwillingness to ask the obvious: By what right do people with brute power take from some and give to others? What good is there in this, and what good can come of it? It doesn’t matter whether that brute power comes fr… Continue reading

Classes Don’t Exist in a Free Society

…conomic weight should know that government operates by pull, manipulation, theft and deceit. Business, by definition, works by persuasion, excellence and delivering the best possible product or service. Business must work and perform to survive, while government must only acquire more power and wield more threats, to survive. Business and government could not be more different. Any businessman turned politician who claims, ‘I can run government li… Continue reading

The Psychology of Honesty (Part 1 of 3)

…ongs to whom? By what right do you demand that the police protect you from theft, murder, unlawful search, or seizure—if everything is relative? If reality is subjective, then all bets are off. Life becomes one big free-for-all with morality and ethics (including property rights and other ethical tenets most of us take for granted) thrown out the window. As a delinquent teenager once told me, ‘Who is anyone to tell me what’s right and wrong? There… Continue reading

The Slippery Slope of Rationalization

…thinking, for example, of those who know, through the use of reason, that theft is a violation of the rights of another yet continue to steal (through shoplifting, Internet piracy, or just down to the little things like a fellow employee’s lunch)? A: In a nutshell: Rationalization. Rationalization essentially means ‘rigging the conclusion.’ It’s a process whereby a person uses reason to obliterate reason—pretending to be ‘reasonable’ in the proce… Continue reading

Battle in D.C? What Battle? I Don’t See Any Battle

…eed off the power and make their constituents dependent on their legalized theft and coercion. And don’t counter what I’m saying by screaming, “Social Security” and “Medicare.” These programs don’t deliver anywhere near what the private market could, recessions and all. Government is a taker, economically speaking. But somehow Big Government still holds the moral high ground. How can this be? Something is deeply wrong somewhere. Either the economi… Continue reading

Public Schools Leave Every Child Behind

…inute the thuggish mentality exacerbated by unions, ‘services’ provided by theft (taxation), and general incompetency — the biggest conflict I’m dealing with, as a mental health professional, is the fact that ‘public’ anything blurs the boundary between individual vs. institutional responsibility. I could go on with numerous examples of what I mean by this, but here’s one: I believe the decision to come to school (or not) and try one’s best to suc… Continue reading

“Shared Sacrifice” ?!

…rom those the government considers less deserving to those government considers more deserving. But doesn’t this whole scheme assume the money being transferred is actually worth something? I see a lot of sacrifice going on, but I don’t consider it noble. It’s nothing more than legalized theft. And I see absolutely no sharing. The dishonesty of this whole scheme of welfare redistribution is quite literally without limit. But dishonesty cannot alte… Continue reading

Little Kings With Huge Budgets

…re there consequences to the currency and the economy, over time, for this theft of the value of people’s money? Of course, but no matter. Federal Reserve chieftains will just click a different button when that time comes, and hope for the best. The eternal priority is: Spend, spend, spend. Spending is not just about spending. It’s about wealth redistribution. It’s about power. It’s about people like Charlie Rangel — who, no matter how scandalous… Continue reading

Why Republicans Blink

…re socialist. Their entire morality and political program are based on the theft of other people’s money, either literally or in the form of “borrowed” theoretical money from future generations. But Republicans have claimed, rather eloquently at times, to stand for exactly the opposite. Is $60 billion in cuts the best they can propose? No doubt the answer will be, “Well, the liberals control the White House and the Senate. We can’t ask for too muc… Continue reading

Capitalism is Peaceful, Socialism is Force

…n, and that taxing them to support others, no matter how needy, amounts to theft. That’s what lies behind the modern right’s fondness for violent rhetoric: many activists on the right really do see taxes and regulation as tyrannical impositions on their liberty.” Note the choice Krugman gives us: Socialism with rich being forced to help the poor, or freedom where nobody ever helps anybody for any reason, whatsoever. Ridiculous! Imagine you did a p… Continue reading