U.S. Senate Passes Budget to Nowhere

…under Obama’s policies of mandates, higher government spending and higher taxation. Barack Obama: ‘We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times… and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen.’ In other words: America is a better place to live than any other place, merely by accident. That’s the implication. And you must feel guil… Continue reading

True to Self While Not Alienating Others: Possible, Or Not?

…h care, outlawing self-defense and punishing success through ‘progressive’ taxation? Evidence is available to support the case for limited government. People will not hear it from the mainstream of our government or media, and it’s important to let them know alternate views exist, especially as our existing economic and social problems—which concern everyone—continue not to improve, and actually worsen. Change in a society—for better or worse—alwa… Continue reading

Why the “Fiscal Cliff” Is Really a Myth

…nd of bipartisan deal (stacked in favor of pro-Big Government spending and taxation, as always). It doesn’t matter. Either way, Americans are left with the reality that its government spends and borrows way beyond its means. Tax increases will not help this. Tax increases on ‘the rich’ will help this least of all. This is because ‘the rich’ are the ones who disproportionately spend and invest in the economy, whether it’s job creation, investment i… Continue reading

Mother Government (Part 1)

…o pay taxes. The harder and more effectively they work, the higher rate of taxation they pay. For this reason, they will have substantial amounts—20 percent, 30 percent, or (the way things are going) even 50 percent—of what they earn taken from them. They might still be afraid, which is why they continue working. And they must continue working, so that those who are also afraid— and who don’t produce as much, or possibly don’t work at all—can be r… Continue reading

Economic Facts? Forget Them. And Vote Obama.

…well, all things considered. Economy not up to par? We need more spending, taxation and regulation. That’s what we’re told. Economy working? It’s thanks to the spending, regulation and government activity that takes place. This is what we’re expected to believe in order to forget the true, or even the obvious. “The private sector be damned.” So we’re told, or so it’s implied by every Big Government policy rolled out every year. Republicans are con… Continue reading

Does Stephen Hawking Owe His Life to the British NHS?

…gether. For one thing, far fewer people have money to spend because of the taxation required for the public programs. For another, people who pay taxes justifiably feel like they want a return on their investment, even it it’s a mediocre one. Who wants to pay taxes for a service and then pay a second time for a private sector version of the service? Most will not, even though a few will. Unfortunately, private services are few are far between beca… Continue reading

America’s Fascist Economy

…plan, these make-work jobs can only be created with money obtained through taxation. The money came from the people who earned it. The politicians are merely taking the money, redistributing it and taking the credit for it. To those who are unemployed due to the lack of available jobs, does it ever occur to them that fascism might be the culprit? That piling more regulations upon regulations, as Obama advocates, will only make the capacity of a bu… Continue reading

The Other Worst Supreme Court Decision in American History

…at our government cannot sustain itself. It can’t keep going. No amount of taxation or compulsion can force these programs to fiscally sustain themselves. Economists of all persuasions are in agreement that the Federal Reserve can only artificially pump up the currency and borrow for so long. The Keynesian theories upon which Obama and his government relies did not intend economic ‘stimulus’ to be indefinite. This is because government ‘stimulus’… Continue reading

Tyrants In Washington Who Never Worked a Day in Their Lives

…strained or declining economy — made that way by government regulation and taxation — it’s an employer’s market. If it’s better conditions workers want, they should be pro-capitalism and anti-Big Government. A free marketplace with lots and lots of job alternatives is best for workers. Unfortunately, our Big Government, transfer-of-wealth/entitlement State makes growth impossible. To be fair, this problem began before Obama, but Obama is making it… Continue reading

Economic Stagnation is “Just Fine,” If You Believe in Socialism

…plagued by the constant threat of debilitating regulation and confiscatory taxation; all the things that would be bought by people in an economy with a near-zero unemployment rate, rather than the 8 percent or higher unemployment rate (if we leave aside the government fudging of figures) we currently endure. A person with vision tries to imagine what might have been, and what could be. Barack looks at the paltry economic growth — more accurately d… Continue reading

“Return to Bush’s Policies”? We Already Have Them

…estic spending, increased regulation of the private economy, and increased taxation. For a brief interlude in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan took partial control of the agenda (domestically speaking), but only on the issue of taxes. Beyond that, it has been a Big Government, socialistic run for the better part of a century now. How well is that working out for you, America? If more Americans took the time to only study a little bit of history, they’d se… Continue reading

GSA and The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

…it: tariffs, protection, benefits, subsidies, encouragements, progressive taxation, public schools, guaranteed jobs, guaranteed profits, minimum wages, a right to relief, a right to the tools of labor, free credit, and so on, and so on. All these plans as a whole—with their common aim of legal plunder—constitute socialism. But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, an… Continue reading