Could Spend Hours at Archive

“I am really enjoying your book, Grow Up America. I have finished Bad Therapy, Good Therapy and How to Tell the Difference. I am sure that I will refer to them many times. You have a great website. It’s loaded with information and knowledge. I could search and read the archives for hours. No wonder your column is called “Daily Dose of Reason” . I am hooked. I follow you on Facebook, but I check your website two or three times a day, to make sure… Continue reading Lifts a Weight Off My Chest

Dear Dr. Hurd: You have become, without a doubt, my favorite writer on the big issues I’ve been thinking lately. Particularly, your writings have really given me the tools I never before had to analyze issues, such as those between socialism and capitalism. Your writing reads in a voice which cuts through the nonsense and obfuscation that others often drape these issues in. Your writings often leave me feeling as though a weight had been lifted o… Continue reading