If it’s true that Kamala is popular with a wide swath of people who suddenly want her to be President of the United States, then maybe it shows how our federal government no longer really matters and all that people … Continue reading
If it’s true that Kamala is popular with a wide swath of people who suddenly want her to be President of the United States, then maybe it shows how our federal government no longer really matters and all that people … Continue reading
The following is my latest Newsmax Insider column: They Can’t Be Serious On Sept. 4, 2024, Newsmax posted this article: “Biden Admin Accuses Russia of Election Interference.” Please take a moment to read this story. If I’ve said it before, … Continue reading
“Trump is hateful. So are MAGA supporters. Once Trump is locked up or gone, we have to push back against all of MAGA. Like Tim Walz said. The First Amendment protects speech, but not hate speech. Anything associated with Trump … Continue reading
How can so many voters LOVE Harris when they have NO idea what she stands for, no idea how she conducts herself, or what character she has or lacks? I realize the loathing that some feel toward Donald Trump is … Continue reading
We already have the precedent for gun confiscation. It was the Bush administration, during 2005 after Hurricane Katrina. The video shows it all. The guns were eventually returned, but only after people where throttled and injured in their homes by … Continue reading
I know polls are pretty worthless, and usually dishonest. But I find it fascinating that in poll after poll, a majority of Americans want lower taxes, fewer regulations, more capitalism, less socialism, less talk of climate change and no censorship … Continue reading
They say a Kamala victory will be historic. “The first woman President.” Wow, cool! But how meaningful a victory if the first woman President is a totalitarian? And an incompetent freak? It’s a looming disaster for every man and woman … Continue reading
In a way, it makes sense that virtually no Democrat voters are upset by the APPOINTMENT of their nominee for President, rather than the ELECTION of their nominee for President. These Democrat voters are the same people who complied, without … Continue reading
“Price gouging” … BAD! Kamala will outlaw price gouging … this makes Kamala GOOD! “Kamala good; high prices BAD. Kamala make high prices go away.” If Kamala can make high prices go away NOW, why doesn’t she pressure Biden to … Continue reading
“Who chose Kamala? It wasn’t voters. She went in four weeks from being the worst liability for the Democratic Party to the second coming of Christ without giving one interview, without showing up for a debate, without a single policy … Continue reading
Who knows if it’s true. But if it is, DemComs will freak out and probably install Kamala as President before Jan 20. Better to have your new puppet ready to go for the fraud, lockdowns or whatever the hell they … Continue reading
Is Kamala incompetent? No. She’s a puppet with a purpose. The purpose of any Communist economic plan is to destroy the middle class. That way, the impoverished masses — faced with continued inflation and now shortages, brought about by the … Continue reading