As Goes Oregon …

“A person remarked that when 80% of your counties want to secede, it is only a question of time before they secede.

If Oregon does not address its questionable elections and give the rural voters a voice or representation in the Oregon State government, then secession will be the only route the disenfranchised rural Oregon voters will have to pursue. The Greater Idaho movement is already contacting the incoming Trump administration to discuss allowing them to split from Oregon. We may soon see Oregon split between east and west counties. This maybe the end point of a Democrat power dynasty in Oregon and a new ascendancy of conservative Idaho.” [from The American Thinker]

THIS is the way to beat the leftists. Not just in Oregon.


All we’ve heard for years is that you’re a “threat to democracy” merely for disagreeing with the Biden regime, since the Biden regime was (supposedly) voted in by a majority. This time, Trump was voted in by a majority, and Biden does everything humanly impossible to undermine his policies even before Trump enters the White House. Does this make Biden a “threat to democracy” too?




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