The appropriate reaction to George Soros being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Biden?
Catastrophically evil. The Soros family supports everything that’s undermining America: censorship, open borders, deliberate release of violent criminals, economic central planning, overt antisemitism, destruction of our currency, food, and energy supply, and nonwhite racial supremacy. The Soros family bankrolls all of it. An American president giving a medal of “freedom” to one the the greatest threats to freedom since Adolf Hitler is an obscenity. There simply are no words.
And what about the file-altering Liz Cheney, the pompous MSNBC host wannabe in favor of “rule of law,” getting the same award?
President-elect Trump: Make Liz Cheney’s life miserable. She’s more than corrupt; she’s guilty of treason. She’s a savage with a smirk, like almost everyone in power. This nasty, lawless totalitarian deserves a special dose of having the book thrown at her. I surely hope we see that happen.
As for Hillary Clinton getting the medal: Disgusting, but not surprising. Kind of like watching an episode of The Sopranos, only the characters are less honorable.
As one person (Kris Lantow) wrote on my Facebook thread: “Snakes congratulating other snakes for being snakes.”
No offense to snakes.
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