@OliLondonTV: “Dylan Mulvaney’s hairdresser Jonathon Van Ness who uses They/He/She pronouns, wears a woman dress while sporting a beard and hairy chest on the Golden Globes red carpet.”
Here’s the thing. It’s a dare. The woke Marxist totalitarians polluting culture care nothing for men who dress as women. Totalitarians are not “liberal” or tolerant. It’s a dare. Not just to Hollywood elites, but to everyone. It’s a dare NOT to state the obvious. It’s the 21st Century version of the emporer has no clothes. The premise: “If we, the cultural elites, can intimidate you into NOT stating the obvious, then we can intimidate you into anything.” Kind of like masks, back during COVID. The battle has nothing to do with drag queens.
Drag queens, in all honesty, are harmless. It’s the intimidation that’s toxic.
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