Shame and guilt are never good motivators. When the person is guilty of something bad, he must have lacked a conscience, so it’s too late for motivation by shame and guilt. If a person is guilty of nothing wrong, then … Continue reading
Shame and guilt are never good motivators. When the person is guilty of something bad, he must have lacked a conscience, so it’s too late for motivation by shame and guilt. If a person is guilty of nothing wrong, then … Continue reading
Big Government do-gooderism is justified on the premise that ‘people who are in trouble can and must be helped.’ It started out as, ‘If they’re starving or homeless, a little temporary help will be provided to get them back on … Continue reading
Toxic people are people who are bright and articulate — but deeply wrong. They invite you to think less of yourself, to question yourself for no particular reason. A toxic person does not say, “I don’t follow your reasoning” and … Continue reading
James Madison, father of the American Constitution, had much to say about politics and government in the United States of 2010. Consider some examples. ‘It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men … Continue reading
Dear Dr. Hurd: I feel conflicted about my loneliness, because sometimes I think the people around me, who are seemingly rejecting me, are not worth knowing anyway. On the one hand, I want to know more people and feel less … Continue reading
Dear Dr. Hurd: I have heroes I admire, and I try to live up to the standards of those heroes. But sometimes I make mistakes and I’m disappointed in myself for not living up to my standards. I also become … Continue reading
Today’s political and intellectual leaders are either disappointing or dismal. But don’t lose hope. In early America, there were wise men such as Ben Franklin. Wisdom is not on the scene at present. But its prior dominance means that wisdom … Continue reading
Dear Dr. Hurd: I used to feel that I wasn’t equipped to survive in the business world. Even as I obtained successes, I still felt like I somehow didn’t deserve them. I eventually concluded this was irrational. What helped me … Continue reading
People are outraged that the federal “stimulus” bill transferred millions of tax dollars to prisoners and dead people. But why aren’t they outraged that government is transferring money at all? Government seizure of income from people who earn it, income … Continue reading
Q: Dr. Hurd, I think I’ve determined once and for all that I do much better with some sort of forced structure — that is, a structure where I’m held accountable every day to show up, do something, etc. Do … Continue reading
THE central political issue is liberty. Liberty refers to the right to exercise your own mind and use your own judgment, and to be responsible for that judgment. If you make a judgment that’s mistaken, you don’t have the liberty … Continue reading
Skepticism is not the same as perpetual doubt. Imagine that you say, “I’ll never believe what this person says. In fact, because he says it, I’m sure it’s wrong.” This makes you every bit as dependent on the person, and … Continue reading