Breitbart calls the Trump arraignment the “Manhattan witch trial.”
It’s an accurate analogy.
The Salem witch trials were based on:
irrational fear and derangement;
lack of rational understanding, including the lack of a willingness to understand via facts and reasoning;
the replacement of facts and reasoning with emotion alone;
emotionalism, i.e., emotion for emotion’s sake;
mob rule;
no concept whatsoever of individual rights, later embodied by the American Bill of Rights and Constitution;
and, lastly: outright, willful, deliberate — even gleeful, sick — injustice.
Welcome to the Manhattan Witch Trial.
The Salem Witch trials occurred before the men of objective enlightenment, influenced by the Renaissance’s Age of Reason, gave us a republic — which we have now, quite officially, lost forever.
Congratulations, America. You have come full circle. And not in a good way.
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