2024 Will Be Too Late; We’re in a Dictatorship NOW

How on earth can anyone think the next “election” will come out any differently than the last one–especially after 4 years of relentless dictatorship? If Trump, as one man, can literally save all of civilization, then why couldn’t he in 2020? You can call it faith, but I call it delusional to suggest that facts can be wished away.

I cherished President Trump and will always be grateful for what he did, and also tried to do. But denial does not serve us well. The leftists played the long game. They took over the schools, the government, the media and even the corporate world. Leftists are incurably irrational, and frankly evil. But they now run everything. They are at war with reality, and they cannot ultimately win that war. They are delusional, and delusion is weakness. But it’s going to take a lot more than placing hope in another rigged election in 2024 to reverse all that they’ve done, and are prepared to do to us now. We’re at war, sadly. America is an occupied country. We are now in a position of having to defend ourselves, because these awful people are worse than the Nazis and Communists combined. Don’t hold out for 2024. It will be way too late if you do that.



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