The arrogant pricks who talk of a dystopian “reset” of the entire world — all with a hybrid of collectivist Marxism and fascism, as if the world hasn’t seen those horrors many times before … How tragic it has come to this.
Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” provides the actual reset for everything as you know it — the basis for freedom in philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, ethics); human nature (psychology); as well as in government. Galt’s speech alone, in the climax of the novel, will tell you everything you need to know to better understand what happened to America.
It’s almost tempting to say it’s too late now. But, especially if you grasp the implications of Rand’s ideas, you’ll realize it’s never too late. Man has free will. He always has, and he always will. The essence of free will is the ability to think. Each and every one of us will always enjoy that capacity. To conquer tyranny, all we have to do is THINK. Rational ideas are precious in this quest.
Tyrants understand. That’s why first and foremost, they go after your media, your schools — and your minds. The last pillar to fall, in our once free and glorious society, will be free speech. We’re almost there. But the fight is never over; not so long as we think.
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