“We believe in private enterprise, free market, and competition…So we have to make sure there is a conducive environment for people to be creative and innovate.” “We can only have ourselves to blame for our failures. We don’t expect anyone … Continue reading
Category: Politics & Government
The Government With the Most is the Least
People who favor the government or public sector over private enterprise claim, “The public sector is more honest. The private sector is so full of fraud and corruption that the government can hardly regulate it.” The exact opposite is true. … Continue reading
Political Hacks: No Match for Unhampered Capitalism
Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are two of the primary people in charge of rewriting the rules of banking in America — and, for that matter, the entire world. They are deemed qualified to do so on the premise that … Continue reading
From Reagan to Obama
Ronald Reagan, it was claimed, cut taxes so as to create a deficit and thereby force a reduction in government spending, in the process reducing government control over individuals’ lives. If that was true, Barack Obama is just the opposite. … Continue reading
Pretending is not Foreign Policy
Obama recently said that the greatest threat to the world is a terrorist group obtaining a nuclear weapon — because they would use it without hesitation. OK, that’s obvious. But why doesn’t Obama treat the nation of Iran as a … Continue reading
Obama the Great?
Obama is not a “transformational” leader. He’s simply the oldest kind of leader there ever was — the kind who transfers wealth from those who produce it to those who are politically favored. Read “The Decline and Fall of the … Continue reading
Time for a Tea Party
The Tea Party represents a great attitude in America. It’s either the last gasp of freedom and liberty against the socialist-fascist steamroller headed by Obama — or the first indication of a tidal wave to come. Either way, the notion … Continue reading
The Real Reason Violence Isn’t the Answer
When fighting against ObamaCare, is violence the answer? No, not yet. But why? The answer you’re usually given is the Pollyanna equivalent of, “Now, now — be nice.” This sort of advice is enough to drive a peaceful person to … Continue reading
Power to the Thinking and Principled People
Columnist and thinker Walter Williams writes: ‘The greater Congress’s ability to grant favors and take one American’s earnings to give to another American, the greater the value of influencing congressional decision-making. There’s no better influence than money. The generic favor … Continue reading
Ideas and Principles in Search of a Party
“By default more than design, the Republicans now find themselves the party of the private economy. Their members, even in faraway Maine, should figure out how to align themselves with the interests of what is still the world’s most dynamic … Continue reading
We’re Not All Socialist Yet
The welfare-regulatory state just got a whole lot bigger. There’s not a whole lot left to socialize or nationalize. By the time Obama and Congress are through with what likely will be the peak of their power this year, there … Continue reading
The Hour of Reckoning (Not the One They Think)
Investor’s Business Daily reports that more and more of the federal tax burden is being borne by the highest earners. This trend accelerated under the control of conservative Republicans and George W. Bush, not just under Obama. “This is a … Continue reading