Democrat Communists are now shrieking that Tulsi Gabbard is not a “patriot.”
What is a patriot? Leftists, when they say “patriotic,” mean loyalty to the Party. The Democratic Party, but really the Uniparty that includes most Establishment Republicans and the media, schools, D.C. cocktail party set, big mouths in entertainment like Whoopi Goldberg and Bruce Springsteen, and elite corporate wokesters (some running scared, at the moment).
Rationally, a true American patriot is a loyalist to America, of course–but America for a reason. Loyalty to America implies belief in our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and, at the core of it all, the rights of man. Read the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. Talk to someone who has lived in an unfree country. A patriot loves his country BECAUSE he cherishes his freedom. And because he has the confidence and courage to embrace his freedom.
That’s what an American patriot means, to me.
The new head of the Democratic National Committee: “We’re coming. This is a new Democratic Party. We’re taking the gloves off.”
Does “taking the gloves off” mean FBI raids on political challengers, censorship on dissenters, unsustainable taxes and regulations, gun bans, genital and hormonal mutilation of children, and medical martial law with forced medical experimentation on citizens? You already did all that stuff, DemComs.
But leftists are so evil that I believe them: Given the chance, they will make the Biden regime look like nothing. Best to defeat them now. Otherwise, they will be on a rampage like nothing seen anywhere, ever. Do not be complacent.
Fox headline: “Trump White House demands apology after [Democratic House Leader] Jeffries calls for Dems to fight president’s agenda ‘in the streets'”.
Why would a leader of a violent gang of thugs and terrorists apologize for anything? And what meaning would it have, if he did?
Also: Do these words qualify as an insurrection?
According to Newsmax, California Communist Governor Gavin Newsom has been served recall papers (again), this time for the L.A. fire outrage.
Not a problem for Newsom. He has the power to defeat it with fraud. He fancies himself a U.S. President, and must remain governor to step into the White House in 4 years. Of course, by his own assumptions California will have to secede from the U.S., especially if President Trump stays on his relentlessly unwavering course. Should be interesting.
According to Breitbart, Elon Musk’s DOGE has locked out federal human resources workers from their computer systems, so they can’t undercut the President’s policies and orders for federal employees.
I love it. Not as effective as defunding most government agencies. But still fun.
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