Trump 2.0: Relentless in the Pursuit of Evil

With George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, I wanted a refund on my vote.

With Donald Trump 2.0, I got my vote’s worth in THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES.

Bravo, President Trump. Keep it going, and be relentless.


“Trump is governing like a man who has been shot, indicted, investigated, and impeached and has no fucks left to give.

It’s glorious.”

@ericmmatheny, on X (formerly Twitter)


The Democratic Communist Party supports UNLIMITED rights for noncitizens, and no rights whatsoever for citizens.

“A migrant is not a criminal,” say officials of socialist Colombia. Oh really? If they broke U.S. immigration laws to enter and stay in the U.S. illegally, benefitting from services paid for by taxpayer citizens, then they ARE criminals. Yes, they were shipped into the U.S. by the criminals who run countries like Colombia, and by the criminals who ran the now out-of-power Biden regime. But that’s not our fault.


So many fools I have known claim, “Trump isn’t presidential.” Most them are Republicans. Yet Biden and Obama, with all they did to ruin America, ARE somehow presidential? As much as I loathe leftism, the RINOs are actually on the lowest rung of hell.

The Trump tweet book [“Tweets by President Trump”] is a great idea. He used social media to rock the Deep State, the entrenched bureaucracy that Jefferson, Franklin, Eisenhower and Reagan all warned us about. It IS presidential, and it’s eminently American.



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