Be of good cheer. Leftists right now are rattled. They’re like mobsters who have pulled off crime after crime, and unexpectedly had a big defeat. But leftists have learned nothing, and are incapable of learning or growth because their core premises are set on destruction. Sooner rather than later, their sociopathic and psychopathic attitudes will resurface. It will all manifest as coercion and violence. It always has, because that’s the nature of collectivism and totalitarianism: forcing others into submission. The battle for truth and liberty will never be over; the cost of such blessings? Eternal vigilance.
DEI is Jim Crow on the federal level. Jim Crow laws in the South coerced people into racial favoritism in certain counties and states. DEI coerced the entire federal government and, at least indirectly, major corporations to practice racial and gender favoritism. The groups who benefit from the favoritism are not the issue. Under Jim Crow, it was whites who were shown favoritism; under DEI, it’s blacks, Hispanics, gays, Muslims and people with gender dysphoria who are shown favoritism.The point: It’s always morally wrong to show favoritism, although it is a legal right on your own private property to choose with whom to associate. It’s always illegal to force people to show favoritism. Advocates of DEI pose as racially and culturally sensitive souls. In truth, they’re unsophisticated bigots with totalitarian tendencies seeking to obliterate the spirit and letter of American Constitutional law.
Cancel leftism.
Defund leftism.
Abolish leftism.
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