Insanity: Meet Reality

“Climate change” has a sales pitch, like anything. Its pitch — to reasonable people — amounts to “get rid of the trappings of modern civilization, like fossil fuels — or prepare to die.” It’s basically a 21st century version of “Weep and repent.” If you don’t do what self-righteous climate totalitarians tell you to do, then you will die. How do they know? “Trust the science.” Of course, the “science” isn’t science at all; it’s rigged, predetermined and not subject to any questioning (including by dissenting scientists, who will be defunded and possibly imprisoned). Climate change isn’t a rational conclusion arising from facts; it’s an ideological viewpoint grounded in force, in search of facts (and when necessary, lies) to support it.

In practice we see, with ruthless clarity, in Los Angeles, what Marxist-inspired climate totalitarian religion leads to: Death, despair and disaster. It’s because your entire life — not just your fire department and mayor’s office, but every detail of daily life — will be micromanaged by worthless, clueless, unaccountable fools. “For your own safety and protection,” with exactly the opposite results. The catastrophic situation in Los Angeles is the metaphor for what’s coming to all of life as we know it. Unless we reverse course totally, and immediately.


President Trump completely reverses Biden’s order to permit transgender troops.

I am proud to support this. First of all, people confused and troubled about their gender identity cannot focus as a soldier needs to focus. Giving them special staus in the military was always part of the far left plan to decimate American military strength. Secondly, if you consider yourself “transgender” or anything else out of the mainstream, you surely need a strong military and a strong USA to continue to enable you to sleep at night, and live in safety. For God’s sake, leftists — it’s time to grow up.


“A good apology has 3 parts: 1) I’m sorry. 2) It’s my fault. 3) What can I do to get it right.

Most people forget the third part,” says a meme.

My own attitude is: “Thank you for telling me. But the best apology, by far, is simply never to do it again.”


I know of one organization more far left than even the Democratic Party: The Ayn Rand Institute. Their Trump derangement makes the hosts on MSNBC look like Ronald Reagan. I occasionally have some of their posts pass by on my screen, and it’s very much like viewing the carnage of a bloody accident.

They appear obsessed with a central purpose of bringing down Trump at any cost (as if they could). Ironically, Rand considered politics as secondary to philosophy and culture. She supported Nixon over the Democrats (as the much lesser of two evils) when we had a much less far-left Democratic Party in 1972; yet ARI-influenced people insist Ayn would have run to vote for the Party of Kamala and AOC, to stop Trump.

Please don’t blame Ayn Rand, or her ideas of reason, objective reality, rational self-interest, individual rights or romanticism. The sycophants who have hijacked her name to make a living off her achievements are ultimately unimportant. Nobody will be talking about them in 10 or 20 years, while Rand herself will (if I have it right) be discussed for centuries if not millennia to come. As Rand herself would say, judge for yourself. But judge based on facts, please.



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