DemComs don’t care about the middle class. They care about the rich, because rich elites are usually Communists and woke. They care about the poor because the poor live off government programs; this makes DemComs feel virtuous, important and powerful. But without the middle class, there are no workers; no consumers; no customers to make Amazon, Nike, CBS, Netflix and all the other woke companies big and successful. A mass market requires a middle class. Billionaires alone do not make a thriving economy. DemComs are literally destroying the middle class through inflation. Now Kamala wants to make inflation worse by increasing already unsustainable spending, and adding huge taxes and even more crippling regulations to the mix.
On our present course, the great American middle class will be destroyed. But where will the elites and poor be then, with nobody to do any of the heavy lifting? And who will be around to appreciate and purchase what the entrepreneurs and innovators have to offer? Nobody thinks about these things. Kamala is cool, to these fools, and the media protects her from having to open her mouth. The morons who think they’re Einsteins are about to make their power permanent. And poof! — just like that, the greatest economy in history will implode.
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