The narrative is already set in stone: If Trump wins, we will be told it was fraud and must immediately be overturned, by any means necessary. You have problems with that? You’ll be censored, and possibly go to jail.
If Trump loses, and Kamala wins, we will be informed the results are beyond reproach. Only an opponent of “democracy” would question them. If you question them, you’ll be censored, and possibly go to jail.
We have seen this movie before. The only suspense? In either scenario, will the good guys who oppose dictatorship in America fight back this time? And how? How will Trump respond? Will he give in, or fight, perhaps triggering martial law or roundups under the Kamala-Walz dictatorship that emerges in order to “save democracy”?
“Experience teaches only the teachable,” said Aldous Huxley.
Words and concepts have lost their meaning. That’s why the puppet-whore can say one month that America could conceivably bomb Israel, and then 2 months later say she’s pro-Israel. That’s how she’s for a border wall and open borders, at the same time. In one respect, the Party isn’t ideologically Communist or fascist. It’s too willfully stupid, too devoid of concepts (right or wrong ones) to be ideological at all. The Party has no ideas. If it’s possible to be mindless on principle, the Democratic Party with Kamala as its figurehead is just that. We can only assume the people supporting it all are just as devoid of rational thought. “Orange man bad” is not a position. It’s an infantile, preconceptual gurgle.
As for the anticipated election outcome: I am stuck on the blue cities in the swing states. It seems likely they will decide everything. Atlanta, Philadelphia, Phoenix will do whatever it takes to make sure their states go Kamala. Why can’t Kamala do what Joe did? Yes, she’s a freak show. But so was Joe.
I love how J.B. Shurk puts it in the American Thinker:
How do we know that Washington, D.C. is the nerve center of a global empire and not the seat of a federal government with limited powers over the individual states and their citizens? Every four years, people around the world wait with trepidation to see what new calamity might strike the human race, as the masters of mass destruction work to install the right globalist sock puppet inside the White House.
Economic crises and impromptu wars have a strange way of materializing during America’s election season. Twenty-twenty gave us a genetically engineered pandemic, a planetary lockdown, and widespread crimes against humanity. Disease, death, and suffering were the horrific costs required to shatter President Trump’s three years of peace and prosperity. COVID was the poisonous smokescreen necessary to give Dementia Joe Biden a mail-in-ballot “victory.”
Foreign pundits often complain that it is deeply unfair that only American citizens get to vote for the U.S. president. So great is this one official’s impact upon the rest of the world, they aver, that the whole planet should have a say. Well, my foreign friends, the U.S. government agrees with you! That’s why we have open borders and months-long mail-in-ballot elections with few voter identification requirements, drawn out vote-counting, and no transparency. If D.C. wanted secure borders and secure elections, we would have both. But the gangsters who run things over here can’t manipulate electoral outcomes unless they first flood the country with tens of millions of illegal aliens, print just as many untraceable postcard ballots, and discourage in-person voting and picture ID. Foreigners have been robbing Americans of their votes for quite some time with the active assistance of the federal government. As the lockdown lemmings used to sing in unison during the Reign of COVID Terror, rest assured: we’re all in this together!
Aside from all the fraudulent mail-in-ballots that will inevitably impact the 2024 election, though, the deranged powers that be still need their quadrennial smokescreen! No act of sabotage or ruination is too sinister for those who manipulate world events to win American elections.
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