How can so many voters LOVE Harris when they have NO idea what she stands for, no idea how she conducts herself, or what character she has or lacks? I realize the loathing that some feel toward Donald Trump is so deep-rooted that they will vote for anyone but Trump. In the case of Hollywood leftists, they loathe Trump, but also anyone who’s not a Communist totalitarian, like themselves. So why don’t they just admit it? “I will vote for a rock in my yard, or the remains of roadkill in the street. Just so it’s not a Republican, not a conservative and not Trump.” Instead, they pretend to believe Kamala is the Second Coming when they’ve barely heard her utter one coherent thought. These fools are not just mindless idiots; they’re DISHONEST mindless idiots.
If Trump is anything other than massively ahead (even with rigged polls) then something must be deeply wrong with this country.
Posted on Facebook by Allen Miller: Re: Israel needs no new laws to justify terminating terrorists. It does need courage, however. FTA:
No, terrorists are not protected by the Geneva Conventions, which are intended to protect individuals during armed conflicts. The Geneva Conventions consider terrorists to be “unlawful combatants” and do not apply to them.
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