We already have the precedent for gun confiscation. It was the Bush administration, during 2005 after Hurricane Katrina. The video shows it all. The guns were eventually returned, but only after people where throttled and injured in their homes by invading police forces. They were told it was a special exception — due to the emergency. Don’t you have even more of a need to protect yourself during an emergency like Katrina? Isn’t that the time when the 2nd Amendment is even MORE relevant than normal? It’s beyond madness.
Kamala has already warned us. She changes her positions day to day (though not on gun confiscation, yet.) When running in 2020, she said (it’s on the video) that we should have national gun confiscation, in the form of mandatory buybacks. This means you turn in your guns — all of them — and the government pays you something. If not, the police come to your home. She said she won’t wait for legislation and she’ll do it by executive order. The damage to America (even if the guns are later returned, which we know they won’t be) would be irreparable. It could start our second civil war.
So if you’re trying to show your friends how virtuous you are by voting for Kamala instead of voting for Trump, think about what you might be starting.
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