What If You’re On a Crashing Plane and Trump is the Only Available Pilot?

Imagine that you’re on an airplane in danger of crashing. Both pilots have been knocked out by a terrorist. The terrorist has been restrained, and there’s only one pilot on board who can land the plane safely, a skilled pilot who happened to be a passenger.

Can you imagine ANYONE saying: “I don’t like that pilot’s tweets. And he’s often mean to women. I also think he’s a bigot, because he doesn’t want open borders. He reminds me of someone I can’t stand. No. Let’s grab this 81-year-old man with dementia out of the front seat. He used to fly planes, even though he wasn’t a good pilot. I’d rather have HIM try and land the plane than this mean Tweeter. I want someone … well someone who acts at least a little bit like a gentleman, and a pilot!”

Literally, that’s what’s happening in America right now, between the people who will support anyone but Trump for the White House and those who will vote for NOTHING, on the premise that there’s such a thing as NOTHING, and that NOTHING is better than Trump.

Trump policies — as we know from four years of experience — could buy us more time before the complete destruction and end of the faltering American republic, including its economy which — while you might think it’s strong — is built on massive debt, indirect control by China and others we’ve allowed to override our free market system, and also the “funny money” of the Federal Reserve, which has no anchoring in anything anymore other than the whims of politicians.

So you’d rather have that cognitively impaired old man eating an ice cream cone drive that plane into the ground than at least have a shot at survival with the mean Tweeter? Fine. But don’t say you’re doing it on principle. Don’t say it’s because you prefer liberty over tyranny. You’re not fooling anyone who’s thinking, and you know you’re not fooling yourself, either.

Judy Green Ferrari writes on Facebook:

Conservatives need to grow a spine and fight fire with fire. Many people say that we have to take the high road and not get in the mud with the democrats. I say it is way past time to get dirty.

My reply:

Agreed, only adding that there’s nothing wrong about fighting dirty with strength and force. Retaliatory force — as in Israel against Hamas — is entirely justified, not merely excusable but morally laudable. Those who initiate force and destruction — Hamas in the Middle East, and our openly fascist-Communist leftists and RINOs decimating America at home — deserve to be restrained and stopped from their destruction. It would be morally bad not to stop them.



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