“We Are the Sheep They Knew We Were”

Mark Rogers , of West Des Moines, Iowa, wrote the following in response to one of my Facebook posts:

“We were designed to be unique, sovereign States under an umbrella of free trade.

We have become a federalized cluster of controlled satellite states putting up very little opposition to being ruled by nine justices, 535 mostly bought and paid for legislators, a couple million administrators and a tyrant partnered with their crony capitalist friends and Big Media.

The genie is not going to be put back into the bottle. We have choices to make that may require pledging our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

But most people now find themselves dependent on government and the corporations that own the government. We are owned.

They can find a way to elect to the presidency a lifelong idiot. While “campaigning” from his basement.

And we accepted it. We were told to sit down, shut up and accept it.

We are not the heroic men of our founding.

The majority leader of the senate, an unaccomplished and evil little man, put targets on the backs of two justices and nobody held him accountable. Not our representatives. Not we the people. Not the press. Nobody.

They can do almost anything to us and we will tolerate it.

So talk bigly about your second amendment then put on your mask, walk obediently with the arrows down grocery store aisles, don’t let your children play outside, stay a safe distance from your friends, let your closest friends and family members die alone and roll up your sleeve and take that damn jab.

Because that’s who we have been engineered to be.

Maybe our truckers and farmers will put up some resistance eventually. But I’m thinking it’s a little late.

We are the sheep they knew we were.”


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