Beware the Fury of a Patient Country?

“Beware the fury of a patient man.”

–English poet John Dryden

The “patient man” kind of reminds me of America. Or at least, what I hope America still is. On the whole, Americans have been far, far too patient. The assaults on the individual by our government, especially in the last few years, have surpassed anything in American history, far outstripped the British monarchy and are getting closer to the actions of Nazi Germany, the Masoists in China and others.

How much more can a patient man take? How much more can a country — far too patient already — take?

This hoped for fury is about all the hope we have left. If it’s not there, then America is going down for sure. And, along with it, all of Western civilization going back to Aristotle in ancient Greece, and all of what used to be called proudly, “the free world.”

Right now, we are the battered generation. Everything is being trampled on, and there’s laughter and derision as it’s happening. The lone person standing up to any of it — Donald Trump, objectively the only one, no matter what you think or FEEL about him — is being bankrupted and probably jailed, right before our eyes.

Nobody seems able or willing to step up to fight back. Not yet anyway.

Fury of a patient country: Are you out there?


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