People Complaining Trump is Mean Don’t Grasp What “Mean” Is

I am sick of people complaining Trump is “mean.” So what’s their alternative to Trump? Democrats or RINOs (same thing).

This means their alternative to “meanness” includes things like: living under Sharia law; destroying the middle class so everyone is either an elite living off the government, or an impoverished ward of the state living off a meager SSI check; returning to horse and buggies, with feces and manure everywhere, after mass mandates for electric cars fail catastrophically; pain and discomfort due to the elimination of fossil fuels and the resulting collapse of the electric grid; mental AND physical terror and fear caused by the eradication of free speech and elimination of the ability to defend oneself (after the First and Second Amendments go); and the transformation of mankind’s greatest military into a dark and psychotic drag show, leaving us at the mercy of all the ruthless invasions awaiting us with no borders or defense.

THESE things are mean, you idiots. Not Trump!

When a government becomes politicized and weaponized, you don’t stop the destruction of its victims through the mechanisms of that very government. The judges, regulators, courts and agencies can no longer be trusted to administer justice or ensure freedom. Elections are not trustworthy because the Uniparty running the elections will ensure victory even when they’re defeated. The military — top brass, not the rank and file — is now run by traitors who all but openly take the side of our worst enemies: Iran, Hamas, China.

Trump’s growing legal and financial predicament will only worsen, because the rotten, corrupt, politicized system will defeat him every single time. Notice how Trump is losing every single case, decisively and in an unprecedented way. The system is more awful and evil than even its worst critics can grasp. Trump is their example. They will destroy him, his family and the rest of us who are dissenters, because … well, it’s what malignant tyrants do.

You can’t reform the unreformable. You will not vote a tyranny out of office. You don’t cure cancer, or an infestation of roaches or rodents, by yelling at it; you attack it at the core, if you can, and you eradicate it. Like America did to the Nazis, the Japanese and other tyrants, when America was a better nation than it is today.

Most of all, you Republicans who hope that Trump is coming to our rescue and all will soon be well, you can’t count on a system more sinister and corrupt than the worst group of mobsters to become accountable enough to suddenly start becoming just, fair and rational at its own expense. This will all get worse, because by its very nature it has to do so. Even if Trump wins, it will get worse, because everyone responsible for the travesty we still call a government must be arrested, tried and convicted as traitors and, quite literally, war criminals. This includes the entire top tiers of the Biden and Obama regimes, and much of the Republican Party too (Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, so many others). The “deep state”, the rancid system of crony socialism and Communism we now have, will not go quietly. It won’t go at all, until it’s forced to go. Putting Trump back in the White House will NOT be enough.



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