An Unhinged Judicial System Unleashes Itself on Trump

A leftist New York judge rules that Donald Trump must pay over $350 million in a civil fraud case.

Most will base their reaction to this on how they feel about Trump. Few will think of the precedent and principle involved. Now, in America, it’s permissible for courts and judges who dislike a political candidate to punish that candidate by inventing new laws and unprecedented settlements to keep that candidate out of office, and to punish him for past policies. Ditto for the dozens of felony charges Trump faces — for laws that never existed before he became an ex-President, and aren’t even laws at all. Our entire government has become Machiavellian: the ends justify the means. If you dislike a man and can’t find a law he has broken … why, just make up a law. And convict him.

Democrats (and their RINO enablers) will cheer this development, because it means Republicans and their policies are now against the law. Oh, won’t this come back to bite them! Because once you give the government unchecked, unlimited power of this kind, they will eventually be coming for YOU too, Democrats and RINOs. If you have children or grandchildren, be afraid for the world being left to them. It has nothing to do with Trump. It’s not a conspiracy at all. It’s called a tyranny.

“The reality is, what we complain about in Russia is happening right here in the United States of America,” Donald Trump Jr. told Newsmax. “The facts of the law don’t matter. Your party affiliation and where you live is going to be the determining factor from now on in our courts of law.”

“They’ve shown that now, time and time again, and it’s absolutely disgusting.”

They will not stop until they’re made to stop. Like the Nazis and Japanese in World War II were made to stop.

Who will stop them?



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