Even Trader Joe’s Is No Longer Safe

Perhaps the biggest story of our time? Not terrorism, election fraud, or freedom of speech violations — massive as those are. It’s what the Soros district attorneys are doing in our big cities. San Francisco is a wreck. Police are telling people not to leave purses or wallets in their shopping carts at Trader Joe’s, even for a minute. Because thieves will grab them and even if they’re arrested, they’ll just be let go again in the name of “social justice.”

America is falling apart; the big cities are gone. And it’s mostly because of crime. New York and Chicago are ruined, perhaps irreparably. And look at D.C. Carjackings are rampant, and the criminals are being released without bail and set out on the streets to escalate their attacks even further. Politicians, even Democrats in some cases, are attacked. And one of Trump’s appointees was recently murdered, just blocks from the White House. By a carjacker.

None of this is accidental. George Soros, and people like him (all of them Democrats and RINOs) WANT this. What else are we to conclude? It’s only getting worse. They blame it on “racism” and “social injustice.” Their solutions lead only to more and more violence. They know it’s happening and they don’t care. They probably even applaud it. You might say, if you don’t live in one of America’s big cities, “It’s not my problem.” But that’s not true. The organizers of Black Lives Matter — a terrorist arm of the Soros movement — meant it when they said to rural and small city America, back in 2020, “We’re coming for you next.” They don’t have to rape, pillage or burn down buildings (although they’ll be happy to do that, especially if Donald Trump somehow manages to get back into the White House). They can let the criminals — the violent criminals — do the dirty work for them.

It’s not a conspiracy. It’s being done out in the open, for all to see. They announce it, they promise it, and then they DO IT. The big cities are probably too far gone. But what about the smaller cities, especially in red states who don’t think they’re vulnerable to this orchestrated, “legalized” form of terrorism? And even rural areas? You have to be ready to defend yourself. Buy weapons to protect yourself. It’s almost all that you can do, other than moving to the least crime-ridden area you can find (while it lasts).

Your federal government is well armed, but it’s actually the enemy now. Your federal government supports the terrorist tactics of Black Lives Matter, George Soros, and others, including the Democratic Party itself. The Democratic Party: basically, now a mobster organization in charge of these cities where criminals are encouraged and permitted to attack innocent people.

This isn’t stupid 60s leftism. This is the real deal. These people are out to destroy America and, along with it, any notion of civilization we still take for granted. They ARE coming for you. And they mean it.



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