The World’s Oldest (and Second Oldest) Profession

Congratulations, former President Trump, on a smashing New Hampshire primary victory over RINO Nikki Haley.

Not to rain on your parade, BUT …

Trump’s comeback requires election integrity. Remember: He was the GOP nominee in 2020 also. What about the fraud?

Near the end of the New Hampshire campaign, Nikki Haley complained she was a victim of racism, whining that she got tired of being teased every day for being “brown.”

What an incredibly stupid, ignorant thing to say to win over REPUBLICAN and conservative voters. Does she live in a box? Where is her judgment?

This shows how the people she’s trying to impress live in DC, NYC, SF, and work for CNN, the New York Times and watch MSNBC. You don’t need to vote for Nikki Haley. You’ve already got Democrats.

Nikki Haley is being funded by Wall Street billionaires–not because they want economic freedom or support genuine capitalism, but because they want pull, favors and handouts. They like the government, because it protects them from competition. The pliable Haley seems like she can be bought and sold easily. The poor thing actually thinks she won’t get the John McCain treatment in the unlikely event she becomes the Republican nominee for president. The billionaires’ goal here is the same as before: to stop Trump. They already have the DemComs to do their bidding.

Ronald Reagan said it well: “It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”



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