Leftists and RINOs are Playing With Fire

When you think about it, it’s really remarkable that a large majority of Republican voters in Iowa don’t care if Trump is convicted of a felony. They will vote for him as President anyway. It shows how a huge swath of voters don’t even think the FBI, the DOJ — the core of the federal government, leaving aside the military — are legitimate, not any longer.

I believe Trump will go down because there’s no way the powers that be will allow any meaningful threat to their power. If I am right, and if Trump fails to attain victory in another rigged election, just imagine how little legitimacy the existing regime in D.C. will enjoy next January, as Biden gets sworn in for a second term. We’re talking revolutionary level anger.

You are playing with fire, leftists and Democrats. RINOs too. It’s not about Trump any longer. It’s about your annihilation of our Bill of Rights. At some point, you are going to pay, because these people voting for Trump tonight will not go down without a ferocious fight.

A reader asked: You and I both believe the 2020 election was rigged. I think we both believe that nothing has been done to correct those illegalities. With this understanding, does it matter if the support is for Trump over any other candidate that we also believe will lose in yet another rigged election?

My reply: Election-wise, no. I agree the national election for President will be more rigged than ever in 2024, with absolutely nothing from 2020 addressed. What I am saying is that once more people come to grips with the fact that they no longer have power at the ballot box — and are facing a long-string of presidents like Biden, with Trump probably jailed, on top of it — that they’re going to be really, really angry. At that point we might get our revolution, whatever that might look like. We can’t go on like this, that’s for sure.



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