More Evidence That Elections No Longer Work in America

Posing as a conservative Republican, the new mayor of Charleston, South Carolina, reveals himself as a Biden supporter.

I voted for this Republican mayoral candidate in Charleston SC last month (he won), and THIS is how he repays his voters. DISGUSTING. Maybe the solution is simply to stop voting.

The story is here.

I sent the following to his office and social media sites, but of course there was no reply:

WTF is this? I left Delaware to get the hell away from Biden and now YOU, the Republican I voted for, are doing this? It’s beyond disgusting.

I want my vote back. You have lost my support. I am making sure everyone knows about your betrayal.

Someone on my Facebook thread wrote that whatever the case, not voting isn’t the answer.

I disagree. Voting for a fraud is not efficacious.

In this case, not voting would have been the same result. Anybody who would stoop this low is worse than the typical RINO. This guy is a far left Democrat.

This man may have been a plant by Democrats to make it look like there’s an alternative when there isn’t. If he’s not, his betrayal is even worse. RINOs are taking over the red states, too.

More evidence that America doesn’t need an election — it needs a revolution.



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