There’s Nothing “Objective” or Virtuous about Supporting the Colorado Decision

It’s hard for me to fathom how someone who’s a Republican, a conservative, a libertarian, or an Objectivist, could SO hate Trump that he or she would applaud the Colorado decision to take Trump off the ballot.

To take this position, it means you would rather see a Communist-fascist hybrid Uniparty make all the decisions about who runs your government, to the end of time, in order to avoid 4 more years of Republican, conservative policies which, while flawed and inconsistent (from a strictly libertarian point-of-view), are downright Jeffersonian compared to the bleak 21st Century version of concentration camps awaiting us once these oligarchs cement their rule.

All because you don’t like that former President’s demeanor.

It cannot be his policies. It cannot be that you think he’s a “dictator.” He wasn’t the dictator that the present ruling government absolutely is acting like.

Trump’s policies were merely the platform of George W. Bush, Mitt Romney and John McCain (with the difference being, he meant them). From a libertarian or Ayn Rand/Objectivist point of view, those Trump policies don’t go far enough. Spending is out of control, and he fell for COVID, only briefly, but the error was fatal.

However, those Trump policies at least, on the whole, were a step in the right direction: Lower taxes, significant deregulation and at least an acknowledgement that the spending and debt could not go on as it currently is (something Congress will have to fix).

And when the Trump years are compared to the open attacks on individual rights daily — vax mandates, threats to obliterate the Second Amendment by executive order, covert and even overt censorship through “private” social media fascist corporations like Facebook, death by a thousand cuts for civilization as we know it via the green agenda — you really must not have liberty on the brain when you conclude, “Better Biden than Trump.”

To me, supporting the Colorado decision in particular seems morally far worse than the DemComs themselves. The DemComs are simply doing what psychopaths and tyrants do. It’s unforgivably evil, but it’s to be expected by their programming and self-made natures. Of course “Democrats” feel Trump is a dictator. Leftists consider anyone who won’t let them do whatever the hell they want to us a dictator. Anyone who restrains unlimited “progressive” government power is, to a leftist, a dictator.

But what of the conservatives and others who claim not to want dictatorship? By what evidence do they prove that Trump is a dictator? None. They just FEEL it. And that’s that.

So much for objectivity.

By supporting the Colorado decision, you might get rid of Trump, whom you hate. But what about the electoral process? Once the precedent is established that the opposing party may cry, “Insurrection” any time it doesn’t like the opposition, or feels especially threatened by it, then the American system of government is OVER. Ditto for arresting political candidates and then figuring out the charges later … just so you get him off the ballot.

The expediency and amorality of holding such a position — especially when you claim to uphold morality, as in the case of people who call themselves advocates of morality and liberty — seems absurd, improbable and justifiably really leads you to wonder what’s actually motivating such people.

The kind of internal unraveling it would require to say, in effect, “I will give up freedom and live under totalitarian rule” so as to avoid the (to some) gruff, unlikable exterior of a man whose efforts could buy you another few years or decades of freedom must mean that something other than liberty and reason are motivating you.

I don’t get it. And — frankly — I have no desire to get it. You can’t fix stupid, and you can’t reform evasiveness on the scale of the Grand Canyon.



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