The problem is SO much deeper than antisemitism, bad as that is.
Leftist intellectuals are not stupid; they are just plain evil. Ruthlessly, willfully so.
They are on the wrong side of EVERY important issue: pro-Marxist, pro-Muslim totalitarianism, pro-racial supremacist, pro-woke psychosis to rationalize the molestation and indoctrination of children.
They are anti-American, anti-individualist, anti-progress, anti-objective reality.
They are anti-reason to the core and virulently anti-freedom. They are smug, arrogant, authoritarian and defensively sneering.
They are social metaphysical poseurs.
Intellectually and morally, there is nothing whatsoever redeeming about them, nor anyone who enthusiastically follows their insane, obscene pretense of sophistication and enlightenment.