While the name of Reopen Delaware’s planned event, “Storm the Beach,” may sound a little aggressive, the group’s administrator Richard Bishop Sr. said the ultimate goal is to peacefully rally at Rehoboth Beach on May 16 to get the state to reopen Delaware’s beaches.
“Obviously, Ocean City (Maryland) has decided that they’re going to have some type of a reopening starting this weekend and we’re also seeing that in the Wildwoods (New Jersey), Mr. Bishop said. “The beach town mayors and business owners know if it continues the course it’s going on there’s going to be people going through their towns to get to Ocean City. We’d like to see that revenue that’s going to come from those visitors come to our state.”
Reopen Delaware, a group dedicated to “Getting our state opened back up in this shutdown” has announced on its Facebook page and on Twitter that it is planning its “Storm the Beach” on Saturday, May 16, at noon at the Rehoboth Beach bandstand.
The group is protesting the state of Delaware’s beach closures and the harm they say it is doing to local businesses that remain closed during the coronavirus crisis. [read the article HERE]
Interesting development. The subjects are getting agitated. Delaware’s leftist governor is essentially a Communist. Yet he treats the beach like his own private property. I wonder if he’ll send in the troops to subdue the people in the town where Joe Biden owns an oceanfront mansion.
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