Today’s advocates of repealing the Second Amendment are the intellectual and political descendants of those who advocated disarmament and pacifism — first against Nazi Germany, and later against Soviet Russia in the Cold War.
In the 1970s and early 1980s, opponents of nuclear arms tried to blame the Cold War on the existence of nuclear weapons. “If we didn’t have nuclear weapons, there would be no Cold War with Russia,” they reasoned. “Therefore, if the United States does the right thing and gets rid of its nuclear weapons, the Cold War would end.”
Less extreme versions of that attitude ended up winning, at least before Ronald Reagan came to office in the 1980s. The United States did not destroy all of its weapons, but it did destroy or cut back on production of some of them. The United States signed “treaties” with the Soviets where they promised to do the same, and of course lied and did just the opposite. The Soviet Union only lost the Cold War once Ronald Reagan came into office, massively built up our nuclear and defense arsenal, and pushed that regime into the dustbin of history where it belonged.
Today the underlying argument is the same. “If the United States government does the right thing and makes weapons illegal, then there will be no more crime.” It’s as foolish and disastrous as the argument in the Cold War that disarmament of the United States government would end the conflict with the dictatorship of Soviet Russia.
It’s worse than naivete, if you ask me. It’s too draconian an evasion to be innocent or naive. It’s a sickness — a sick desire to lose. It’s self-loathing and masochism. While the brainwashed and foolish students led into marching on Washington DC demanding repeal of the Second Amendment (they call it “gun control”) might in most cases be naive, their elders are not. They know what they’re doing.
These are the same people who advocate disarmament and pacifism when dealing with today’s mortal threats, most notably ISIS, Iran and North Korea. They hate Donald Trump because he speaks the language, “We win, they lose.” They hate proponents of the Second Amendment because they know it means, “I have a right to the sovereignty of my own life.” They don’t like self-interest or self-protection, not unless they come from the government, and only when a government is run by people with their views. They claim we only need the police. It’s independence they want to outlaw.
There’s something deeply sick, twisted and wrong about wanting to disarm the majority of the population who’s peaceful in order to allegedly protect us from the minority who are violent and destructive.
If the violent and destructive had a lobbying group to push for their interests, that lobbying group would favor gun control and ultimate repeal of the Second Amendment.
What does that tell you about the real mentality and motives of those who favor gun control?
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