I heard a really interesting question this morning: If gender is socially constructed, with no objective basis, then why isn’t race just a socially constructed idea, as well?
Just as criminals eventually trip on their falsehoods or crimes, intellectual charlatans eventually step on their own contradictions. And this is a big one.
The academic and media elites whom most of us listen to at our own peril repeatedly tell us that gender is whatever you feel it is. Period. In a way, they’re saying that gender does not matter, or isn’t important. But if that’s true of gender, it has to be true of race, right?
Of course, it can’t be true of race, because it’s not politically expedient. Progressives need there to be racism so they can claim all blacks are victims. When it comes time to turn each and every black person into a victim, it’s convenient to grant one’s racial status even more importance than it deserves. But there are not enough blacks to give progressives in media and academia the majority to which they feel entitled. They need to bring on transgender persons too. But in order to make “transgenderism” a thing, and to make all transgender persons victims, you have to claim that gender does not matter – that, in fact, it doesn’t even exist. And if you challenge or dispute this assertion in any way, such as refusing to have non-gender bathrooms, you’re subject to lawsuits, fines or even criminal charges.
In political terms, progressives need victim groups like transgenders, gays, blacks or put-upon women in order to attain and keep power. In psychological terms, progressives need victim groups in order to claim compassion for people whose circumstances or perspectives they actually know nothing about, so they can feel morally superior within themselves and in relation to other people to whom they wish to feel morally superior. This combination of psychology and power politics has turned progressive claims into a monstrosity prepared to devour us all. It’s quite literal when you add to it the more recent progressive claim that all Muslims are automatically and always victims, and that to challenge or question Islam will get you fined or even jailed, before long.
Gender is a biological given just like race is a biological given. Nobody chooses their gender or race. That’s why neither gender nor race have a moral status, rationally speaking. It’s neither morally good nor morally bad to be male or female, white or black. That’s what opponents of racism and sexism used to think and teach. Now that’s all on its head. Now we’re told that black lives not only matter, but that they’re superior. Because black lives are superior, anything a white cop does in the presence of a black individual is automatically and always wrong, at least if the black individual leaves that situation unhappy. For that reason, police must be undermined to the point where black people in inner cities, most of all, live in a state of perpetual anarchy. It’s similar with women. Talk to anyone sympathetic with modern feminism and they’re always too prepared to believe anything a woman claims or feels over anything a man claims or feels, regardless of facts or circumstances. Try getting a divorce or upholding any of your rights in a family legal case, if you’re a man, in a place like feminist California.
Victimology distorts facts and reason and sets up all kinds of absurd contradictions. The idea that gender is socially constructed while race is not represents just the latest and greatest example. Progressivism cannot withstand the inherent lack of integrity in all its logical contradictions. Donald Trump’s winning the White House was only the opening shot. If we fight progressivism on its basic irrationality and intellectual dishonesty, it will be easier to defeat than most other crazy mindsets that have been on the scene in the past. All that’s required is honest, fearless thought.
Nobody has ever won anything by being wrong. Progressivism cannot win the battle against Aristotle’s principle that “A is A”. Ridiculous and absurd ideas only get by on the fear and ignorance of those who will not question them. Hopefully that’s starting to change.
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