Obama’s Suicide-Homicide Pact with Iran

Map of Iran with red and yellow nuclear warning sign

Obama’s “peace treaty” with Iran is worse than a bad deal. The worst thing about it is the precedent it sets.

By giving Iran everything it demanded, and engaging in the pretense that Iran will not build a nuclear weapon in exchange for these demands — when everyone knows they will — it sets the precedent that the United States will trust anyone, no matter how much their words and deeds make trust irrational and impossible.

It replaces America’s classic and original foreign policy of, “Don’t tread on me,” with, “Go ahead. Tread on me. Just lie about it.”

Iran has been a primary sponsor of terrorism against the United States since its totalitarian government took power back in 1979. This is according to our own State Department, under the administrations of both parties.

Nothing has changed about either the nature or the make-up of the Iranian government since that time. In words and actions, it poses as an enemy of the United States, not only politically, but on the deepest level. We always have been, and always will be, the “Great Satan” to this society’s government, because America represents the separation of church and state and the refusal to make fundamentalist Islamic law the ruling authority.

There’s no middle ground with radical Islam. It’s as ruthlessly totalitarian as they come. Iran is to Sharia law and the beheading fanatics of Islam what the United States once was to inalienable individual rights, economic and political freedom. By literally giving away the store to Iran — whether they pose an imminent threat, or not — we’ve surrendered our right to defend ourselves, and taken away any moral claim on our right to exist, a moral claim Iran repeatedly questions.

If it’s a suicide pact for America, it’s a homicide pact for Israel. When you exhibit such brazen and blatant weakness towards a terrorizing bully, you make the world a more accommodating place for all terrorizing bullies. Iran’s government has never made a secret of its desire to wipe Israel off the map (their own words), tomorrow if it has the nuclear weapons it wants by then, and at a minimum to promote nuclear blackmail. When you give blackmailers what they want, they come to expect the same tactic to work the next time. The United States gave Iran literally everything it wants here, in exchange for Iran engaging in the pretense that it will never hurt anybody; by what twisted and evasive form of rationalization do we expect they won’t operate the same way, once it comes time to wield a nuclear weapon?

There’s nothing good about this development. It’s all bad; in fact, it’s rotten to the core. Nobody can convince me that Obama does not know what he’s doing. Nobody can be so stupid or naive as to believe that Iran has any intention of keeping its word and declining to build nuclear weapons. The only explanation left for Obama’s actions, if it’s not wildly irrational naiveté, is a hatred not only for Israel, but for the United States itself.

Just as socialists think you can wish economic progress into existence by signing a document demanding it, pacifists believe you can bring peace into existence merely by signing a treaty that wishes for peace in our time (and all time), regardless of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The other party here is openly dedicated to war — to holy war, through all the centuries if need-be, and by whatever means necessary. Their words and actions demonstrate this every single day.

Of course, when it comes time to hand over $50 billion in assets to Iran as the agreement demands, words will be kept — America’s words, that is. What will happen to that money, assuming the U.S. does hand it over to Iran? U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is exactly right: It will be used to kill Americans and Westerners via the terrorist activities Iran continues to support. What in the world else would it be used for? That’s what terrorists and terrorist governments do — gain money to kill innocent people. The blood is on Obama’s hands, and anyone else who supports this catastrophic pretense at civility.

No good will come from this. Some experts predict an arms race will ensue in the Middle East, now that the U.S. has given Iran a green light (not to mention the funds) to do what it wants. Again, it’s one of the many self-refuting follies of pacifism. Pacifism holds that so long as you get verbal agreements of peace, then you’re on your way, even when one of the people making the “agreement” is a known killer. Pacifists think this will bring about peace, but all it does is make the world more dangerous by making the world safer for the violent. Peace through strength is a valid principle; peace through weakness is a contradiction in terms.

Israel has to defend itself. It’s on the front lines of the growing threat represented by Iran, a threat now much more dangerous with this sickening bribe and moral retreat offered by the United States. Israel’s current leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, has reportedly stated that Israel does not have to honor or recognize this treaty. Of course it does not. We can only hope that this is code for: “Israel will be taking steps to unilaterally bring down Iran’s nuclear facilities and whatever else it has to do to remove this very real threat to its existence.”

America will not defend itself, not under its current president, so Israel will have to take care of itself. Netanyahu should take comfort in the fact that the U.S. Congress (who cannot necessarily stop this treaty, since Obama will call it an executive action), as well as a sizable amount of the American population, will support him in whatever he has to do.

It’s not just about Israel’s interests; it’s about America’s, too. It’s not just about political squabbles in the distant Middle East; it’s about the inalienable rights of man. Neither America nor Israel are perfect upholders of individual rights, as we know. But they are consistent bastions of liberty when compared to the hostage-taking, religiously fanatical, beheading brutality represented and actualized by Iran’s brand of Sharia “law.”

As for Obama, he’s much worse than a bad deal-maker. The very fact that he wants to make deals with violent, creepy thugs is all you need to know about Obama. He’s a dangerous fool if he believes these deals will be honored; he’s much worse than that if he doesn’t.

Obama’s not one of the good guys, and he’s not on America’s side. I don’t believe he ever was. If you didn’t want to face this fact before, I don’t know how you could possibly evade it now.


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