I bought your book “Grow Up America!” and just finished reading it. That book opened my mind to things I knew weren’t right in others’ behaviors, what appeared socially acceptable, etc., and questioning myself and the guilt, sacrificing, and suffering thing. I have really let people control and take advantage of me all my life with that crap.
I have used sentences in [one of your Life’s a Beach articles] to build boundaries with my family and friends many times regarding many subjects about my definition of happiness and living my life my way as long as I am responsible for it., etc.
After reading [this article of yours] many times over and I just ‘got it’ the part where you talked about … fear of personal responsibility and I now see the truth, and I am currently working on those illusions and I just want to thank you for taking the time to write [your Life’s a Beach column]. [It] was the start of many changes, new boundaries, awareness, in my life.