Tea, Anyone?

Like so many other movements in American politics, the “tea party” movement is hard to endorse — or condemn — because it’s hard to know what it is. As a case in point, look at Sharron Angle, the Republican/Tea Party-favorite set to run against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in the fall U.S. Senate race for Nevada. She’s against ObamaCare, favors privatizing and phasing out Social Security for younger people (as it’s going bankrupt anyway), and she wants to close down the federal Department of Education. To all of these I say: Amen. I have favored these kinds of policies for years, and it’s glorious to finally see them advocated by someone running for national office. She also favors such disturbing things as indoctrinating prisoners into the religion of Scientology and reportedly promoted outlawing alcohol use. These, of course, are nutty positions. Do these positions rule her out, especially if she backs away from them? No, not necessarily. In fact, if I lived in Nevada, I’d be inclined to vote for Angle rather than abstaining from voting. Obama and Congress — led in part by Angle’s opponent — are quite literally imposing socialism and fascism on this nation. This year, the most important thing is to repudiate Obama in any way possible. It’s also crucial, as a practical matter, to undermine his ability to do even more damage than he has already done (which is considerable). I don’t know if the Tea Party movement will turn into something that’s capable of actually scaling back government (real change) as opposed to running the country into the ground, as both Democrats and Republicans have done. But I do know one thing for sure: It stands for an alternative second political party, one based on limiting government – and in my book, that’s definitely a good thing.