People say that without a Big Government, the poor and the vulnerable will perish. But where does Big Government get the Big Funds to (supposedly) provide comfort and survival for the vulnerable? From those who produce. And what group is most undercut by the presence of Big Government? The most productive. Whatever you think of “the rich,” everyone agrees they have the most money. They have produced the most wealth, plain and simple. The current government wants to seize about 80 percent of that money rather than 50 percent, as the previous regime did. All administrations want to undercut the productive with more and more regulations, as demonstrated by a steady growth in government regulations over the last 20 or 30 years. Not only the rich, but also the upper middle and eventually the middle income groups will pay when the government runs out of rich people’s money (as it already has, even before raising taxes, as our national deficit proves). Also, even when only “the rich” pay taxes, everyone else still pays in the higher cost of goods and services passed on by businesses to customers due to higher taxes. Bottom line here: If the central purpose of government is to help the poor and the vulnerable, then the advocates of the poor and the vulnerable should be more in favor of leaving the rich alone than anyone else. Because the more you bite the hand that feeds you, the more damage you do to that which you depend upon. Of course, I don’t want to imply that I think government exists to transfer wealth from those who have it to those who pretend to care for those who do not have it. It’s contradictory on its face, in theory–which is why I oppose it in practice. The reality is that the poor and the vulnerable must depend on those able and willing to help them–voluntarily, not through government. The only alternative is to create a government so big, so expensive, so broke, and so dysfunctional that the poor, the rich and the middle class (forced to finance the disaster) all become equally miserable. That’s what we’re in the process of doing, right now.