Just Do It–But Think it First

Getting things done means you’re a doer. But it also implies that you’re a thinker. Sometimes, people who don’t get things done — even things they’re committed to doing, even small things — assume that the problem occurs because, “I over think and I’m not a doer.” This isn’t always the case. In fact, people who aren’t doing enough often aren’t thinking enough — at least in the right way. For example, making a to-do list involves thinking. Once the to-do list is done, it provides you with an objective check on how well you accomplished what you set out to do, for the day. It’s a simple and powerful self-check. Many people who don’t get things done don’t have to-do lists. This illustrates a lapse in thinking, more than a lapse in doing. So if you’re stuck on the issue of not getting done what you want to get done, and with putting things off, then ask yourself: “What kind of thinking am I not doing? How can I think differently — in a way that will lead to results?”