When Lord Obama Fails …

A web site visitor (name withheld) who is sympathetic to Dr. Michael Hurd’s views writes the following:

The Country is infected with hopium and blind to the reality of the situation. The masses (I was going to say stupid masses but that is redundant) are scared shitless, rightfully so, and as a consequence they have adopted Jesus Obama as their savior. Unfortunately, as we know, reality has a way of surfacing sooner or later, and when it does they will feel totally lost and bewildered. The streets will become a mass of protests and riotous gangs trying to take what is only “fair.” [Dr. Hurd’s comment: They already are. It’s called the “stimulus bill.”] The Country will survive but will emerge as a stranger to many. I predict a Balkanization of the Country into areas that are homogeneous — California and the SouthWest as Hispanic-America, the NorthEast as Liberal-America, Mid-West as “solid values” America etc. We are headed toward what Europe is experiencing now in Spain, Greece, etc. We may see the redefinition of America as separate government areas; I’m not even sure we could agree among these “Super States” on a common army and defense policy. We have abandoned the commonality and ideal of this Country; as conditions deteriorate we will fall into a pattern of basic human behavior that I had hopes that we could evolve above. Things will be very rough when Lord Obama fails as would anyone who takes on the problems we have. It will be worse because of the faith people have invested in him and the support that he gets from the liberal press.