Hey Obama: Did You Build Staples?

…hink the government has a right to shake businesses down with regulations, taxation and unfunded mandates (Obamacare is a gigantic one), then why is this an accomplishment? Give any one of us the power of federal prisons, federal agencies and the military, and we could do the same thing. In what universe is this moral, admirable, or an accomplishment of any kind? The people who started and maintain a profit-making company like Staples do not have… Continue reading

Obama’s Revealing Comments to UK Prime Minister on Free Speech

…t us via increased social spending, significantly increased regulation and taxation, and government oversight of nearly every human activity, the government needs private dissension out of the way — as much as possible. Why? It’s simply not practical for government to micromanage every aspect of our daily lives and have no say in what we read, think, or express publicly. From the voting citizens’ point-of-view, this means you cannot have it both w… Continue reading

The Mutually Assured Denial of Medicare

…it, unless exponentially increasing and indefinite expansions of debt and taxation do not matter. Here’s how the problem stands at present, from The Wall Street Journal on 3-18-15: House members are working on legislation to provide a permanent repeal of provisions capping Medicare reimbursements to physicians. As past debates have shown, failure to identify spending cuts to offset the pay increase to doctors would significantly impact seniors’ M… Continue reading

Brother, Can You Spare Another Trillion or Two?

…debate, as America continues to rack up ruinous levels of debt along with taxation, and unfundable mandates, as far as the eye can see. When government agencies fail, they get more money. When government agencies fail further, they get still more money. It’s not going to change. Rewarding failure is built into the very nature of the system — whether it’s government charity and aid or government handling matters of business, medical care, or educa… Continue reading