“We’ve always been, and always will be, a triple-A country.” So said Barack in a pep talk after the latest financial meltdown. Nobody listened. But probably most people agree. This statement epitomizes why Obama’s presidency is failing miserably, and why … Continue reading
Category: Politics & Government
America’s Broke
The downgrade in America’s credit rating for the first time in history could be a good thing — if the American people, and not just their politicians, learn from it. Actually, the politicians (the great majority of them, at least) … Continue reading
Hollywood and Rich Man’s Socialism
Academy award-winning actor Matt Damon said he is “so disgusted” with what’s happening in Washington over the debt limit, claiming that the Tea Party is “willing to drive it all off a cliff” and adding that it’s “criminal” the wealthy … Continue reading
Why It’s a Good Time to be a Liberal
Obama’s moves to the right in the budget negotiations are creating dissension within the Democratic Party, according to The New York Times. Republicans have changed the terms of the debate over the size and role of the federal government, and … Continue reading
The Court Jester Strikes Again
On TV crime and court shows, you sometimes see the attorney, during a trial, say something outrageous and indefensible. The opposing attorney immediately objects and the judge backs up the objection. The attorney who said the outrageous statement replies, “Withdrawn.” … Continue reading
Wishing Away Facts and Calling It “Compromise”
Whenever conventional career politicians such as Joe Biden declare, “It’s a compromise,” and claim that’s a good thing — hold onto your wallets and purses. In this compromise, Barack Obama got the most important thing he wanted: Extension of the … Continue reading
Why Compromising on Principles is Stupid
The liberal left and establishment right keep complaining that the Tea Party “doesn’t understand compromise” or isn’t “willing to compromise.” This immediately raises the question: Compromise WHAT, exactly? A compromise, in or out of politics, refers to a deal between … Continue reading
Conversation With a Liberal
Non-Liberal (NL): What business does the government have spending people’s money against their will? Not only the money of real people, but money from generations far into the future — wealth yet to be created, money yet to be earned … Continue reading
Barack’s Youth Problem
Newsmax.com reports that more than half of all voters do not trust President Barack Obama to lead America back to economic prosperity. And the young who turned out in such great numbers for Obama in 2008 have even less confidence … Continue reading
China’s Warning: Trouble Ahead
In the movie “Titanic” — and most likely during the real-life event, as well — a top aide to the ship’s Captain spotted trouble ahead and shouted, “Iceberg!” The warning, as we all know, was not heeded in time. Consider … Continue reading
America’s Politics Hits Bottom
According to nearly everyone, the downgrading in American credit is the fault of the Tea Party Republicans. “If they weren’t so partisan and ideological,” the conventional “wisdom” spouted by academia and the media goes, “then we wouldn’t be in this … Continue reading
Shooting the Tea Party Messenger
There are essentially two parties in Congress today. One is the liberal-socialist Democrat-Republican party. These consist of all Democrats plus most of the Senate Republicans, leaving aside the Tea Party Republican Senators elected in 2010. The second party consists of … Continue reading