Secretary of Education Linda McMahon, who said earlier this week that she will lead a “final mission” to end the bloat at the department President Donald Trump has said he will close, told Newsmax on Friday that she agrees with him that control of schools is best left to the states.
“The president certainly believes, as do I, that the best education is closest to the kids with parental involvement, with teachers being able to be innovative in what they are doing and to take the bureaucracy out of education,” McMahon, who was confirmed this week, told Newsmax’s “Wake Up America.”
“Let’s get the money to the states,” she added. “The Department of Education, through the federal government, provides about 8 to 10% of the budget for education in each state, but that money should be well spent by the states.” [Newsmax, 3/7/25]
Yes, but … the best solution is a private market. Government does not have the accountability that a marketplace does. Do you want your state OR federal government picking your doctors, designing your clothes, cooking your food? Then you don’t want it educating your children.
Still, for now, I will take it. At least if you live in a red state, your kids might have a chance of not being taught by glorified Marxist, woke, psychopathic child abusers.
Some leftist celebrity has called the Trump presidency an “existential crisis,” and shrieks that Democrats must be ready to “fight and die.”
Die? Die for what, leftists? What will motivate you to get out of your snowflake echo chambers and literally fight to the death? Who will you actually fight? In what way, and for what reasons? What do you people stand for? Other than the eradication of standards, rational thought, human liberty and human happiness? Why should any of us care about your distorted, imbalanced emotional states? Do you really think we will not fight back in order to protect ourselves from your psychopathic rampages?
There are no words.
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