The only way to get rid of government waste is to defund agencies with no Constitutional basis — which is to say, nearly all of them.
You cannot make the inherently wasteful efficient, any more than you can make a circle a square, or water a stone. A thing cannot go against its nature. Government IS wasteful. It’s parasitical. It’s self-perpetuating. It thwarts productivity, it stifles innovation, it paralyzes rational thought, and it punishes self-responsibility.
Government cannot be made efficient and cost-effective. Government earns and creates NOTHING. Aside from its strictly limited mandates against violence and fraud, government only consumes, and never contributes. Our focus should be on elimination, not efficiency.
On the cultural front …
From Conservative Outpost (on Facebook):
The very idea that a person can arbitrarily decide that he or she has the authority not only to choose his or her gender based on how he or she feels, but to demand that the rest of the world go along with the charade is mind-numbingly stupid. You are born a male or a female. That is it. You have no other options. Even if you choose to have a sex-change operation, you are still whatever chromosomes you started with: XX or XY.
…You do not own pronouns. Pronouns belong to the language and you do not get to decide which ones apply to you. You get he/his/him if you’re male and she/her/hers if you’re female. If you insist that you are neither male nor female, then you deserve to be addressed as “it.”
Furthermore, an individual NEVER gets to use they/their/theirs/them. If you are an individual who insists on being addressed with they/them, then you clearly suffer from multiple personality disorder and you need a fucking psychiatrist!
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