I love hearing that we are “Making America Great Again!” (MAGA)
As good as it sounds, it begs the question, what made America great in the first place?
What did we get less and less of to make America less great, and what do we need more of to make it great again?
Even among supporters of President-elect Donald J. Trump supporters, the answers may differ. And the answers differ wildly — even fundamentally — between Democrats and Republicans.
No longer do Democrats and Republicans want the same things, just with different ways of getting there.
The “different ways” are now polarized opposites.
America became a great nation due to its commitment to individual rights.
Slavery was a glaring contradiction from the start.
But it was the principle of individual rights that ultimately caused the Republicans to make slavery a thing of the past — even at the cost of a bloody Civil War.
Were it not for the concept of individual rights, slavery would still be with us.
Individual rights will always be the answer to what makes America great.
In practical terms, this means private property.
It also means freedom of association.
It also means secure borders, not to keep out good people but to keep out people who mean to do us harm, such as terrorists and criminals.
Individual rights do not mean indiscriminately letting people in so votes can be gained for a failing political party.
Yet, that’s exactly what we’re doing.
Most importantly, individual rights mean upholding the First and Second Amendments.
The First Amendment protects the right to freedom of thought and speech.
The Second Amendment protects the right to life.
Without the right to speak and think freely on your property, your mind is enslaved.
Without the right to use weapons to protect your ability to go on living, your body is enslaved.
The First and Second Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, combined with private property and free markets, united with mind and body in a way no other civilization in human history ever achieved … CLICK HERE to see the full article at NEWSMAX!
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